September Morning CAL – Week 2

*Note:  Subscribe to my blog – lower right side of the page – for email notices of new posts.  Sales and surprises posted here first!

September Morning CAL

By Julie Yeager

Week Two

If you would like to order the prepared yarn packs for the design, they are still available in my Deramores store.  Delivery to the U.S. is about a week to 10 days.  The Ravelry version of the complete pattern is available at new low price of $4.99 in my Ravelry Store.  I am making small changes to the wording and will update the pattern at the end of the CAL, but the current pattern is perfectly fine and has 100 finished examples on Rav.

This week we square up the Bobble Ring circles, and add three rounds of textured border.

Pattern is written in U.S. terms.

–  Ch-3 and ch-4 at beginning of round/row will count as dc/tr throughout.

–  Magic Ring, invisible joins, air crochet, and other matters of technique are “crocheter’s choice.”

–  All rounds/rows will be worked on the right side (RS) except for two border rounds which are indicated as wrong side (WS.)


Beg – beginning          Ch – chain       Dc – double crochet                Hdc – half-double crochet  RS – right side                        Sc – single crochet                  Sl – slip           Sp – space                             St – stitch                 Tr – treble stitch           WS – wrong side

Week 2

Bobble Rings Square Part 2 Color Chart

(Note:  DK afghan has 3 of each motif; aran weight has 2 each.  May Morning has 3 motifs, 2 are identical.)

Rnds 15-18 Border Rnds 1-2 Border Rnd 3
Everyday Rainbow 1 E A C
Everyday Rainbow 2 A B C
Everyday Rainbow 3 B E C
Purple Passion 1 and Sept Morn 1 E A B
Purple Passion 2 and Sept Morn 2 D A B


15 – 18

Border Rnds 1-2 Border Round 3
MayMorn  1 B E B
MayMorn  2 B E B
MayMorn  3 B E B


Rounds 15 – 18 continue in the color used in Round 14.  For border round colors, changes in text below are for Sept Morn and Purple Passion colorway.  For others, refer to chart.

Round 15:  Ch 4,(tr, ch 1, 2 tr) in same st as join, [tr in next 4 st, dc in next 6 st, hdc in next 3 st, sc in next 12 st, hdc in next 3 st, dc in next 6 st, tr in next 4 st, (2 tr, ch 1, 2 tr) in next st] three times. Tr in next 4 st, dc in next 6 st, hdc in next 3 st, sc in next 12 st, hdc in next 3 st, dc in next 6 st, tr in next 4 st. Sl st to top of beg ch-4. (172 st)

Round 16:  Sl st in next st and in corner sp. Ch 4,( tr, ch 1, 2 tr) in same sp, [tr in next 4 st, dc in next 6 st, hdc in next 3 st, sc in next 16 st, hdc in next 3 st, dc in next 6 st, tr in next 4 st, (2 tr, ch 1, 2 tr) in next st] three times. Tr in next 4 st, dc in next 6 st, hdc in next 3 st, sc in next 16 st, hdc in next 3 st, dc in next 6 st, tr in next 4 st. Sl st to top of beg ch-4. (188 st)

Round  17:  Sl st in next st and in corner sp, Ch 4,( tr, ch 1, 2 tr) in same sp,[tr in next 4 st, dc in next 6 st, hdc in next 3 st, sc in next 20 st, hdc in next 3 st, dc in next 6 st, tr in next 4 st, (2 tr, ch 1, 2 tr) in next st] three times. Tr in next 4 st, dc in next 6 st, hdc in next 3 st, sc in next 20 st, hdc in next 3 st, dc in next 6 st, tr in next 4 st. Sl st to top of beg ch-4. ( 204 st)

Round 18:  Ch 3, dc in next st, [(2dc, 2tr, 2 dc) in ch-1 sp, dc in next 50 st] three times, (2dc, 2 tr, 2 dc) in ch-1 sp, dc in next 48 st, sl st to top of beg ch-3, fasten off.  (224 st)

Block Border

Use the same border pattern for all six (nine) motifs, using colors per chart.

RS – Right Side

WS – Wrong Side

Border Round 1: (RS) Join Color A with sc in 2nd tr of any corner, sc in same st, (sc in next 55 st, 3 sc in next st) 3 times, sc in next 55 st, sc in same st as beg sc, sl to beg sc.  Ch 1.  Turn work.  (232 st)

Border Round 2:  (WS) (Sc, tr, sc) in same st as join, [(tr in next st, sc in next st) 28 times, tr in next st, (sc, tr, sc) in next st,] three times, (tr in next st, sc in next st) 28 times, tr in next st, sl st to beg sc.  Fasten off. (240 st)

Border Round 3: (WS)  Join Color B with sc in any corner tr, (tr, sc) in same st,  [(tr in next st, sc in next st) 29 times, tr in next st, (sc, tr, sc) in next st,] three times, (tr in next st, sc in next st)  29 times, tr in next st, sl st to beg sc.  Fasten off. Turn work. (248 st)


Copyright 2012, 2017 Julie Yeager Designs


Please do not post this pattern on the internet. Posting a link to my website –, or to my Ravelry store – where you can see all my pattern –, is appreciated. Contact me via e-mail at [email protected].



September Morning CAL – Week One

*Note:  Subscribe to my blog – lower right side of the page – for email notices of new posts.  Sales and surprises posted here first!

September Morning CAL

Week One

Welcome to our Crochet-a-Long to September Morning Afghan.  The pattern will be offered here on the blog at no charge over the next six weeks and will remain posted free for at least a year.  Please print out with the print-friendly button if you wish to save the pattern.  The pattern is available in my Ravelry Store at new low price of $4.99 if you wish to purchase and keep in your Ravelry library.

This afghan was formerly presented as a Mystery Afghan in 2012.  I have adjusted color placement a little and clarified wording to be more in style with my current patterns but the old pattern is perfectly fine and has one hundred finished objects posted on Ravelry if you would like to see inspiration.

The afghan consists of three separate motifs – extra large granny squares – and you will be making six squares if using aran weight yarn and nine squares if using dk weight yarn.  Each motif is bordered with the same three rounds and a simple join and border finishes your afghan with ease.  In aran weight yarn, the finished afghan is about 50″ x 72″, and in dk weight yarn the size is about 56″ x 56″.

If you would like to order the prepared yarn packs for the design, they are still available in my Deramores store.  Delivery to the U.S. is about a week to 10 days.


June 15: Bobble Rings Square Part 1

June 22: Bobble Rings Square Part 2

June 29: Sun Flower Square Part 1

July 6:  Sun Flower Square Part 2

July 13: Concentric Square Part 1

July 20: Concentric Square Part 2 and Border

Pattern is written in U.S.terms.


#1: DK version – such as Everyday Rainbow Pack

Color A: 2 skeins citrine

Color B: 2 skeins peridot

Color C: 2 skeins rose

Color D: 2 skeins sky

Color E: 2 skeins lavender

Color F: 1 skein raspberry

Color G: 1 skein peony

Color H: 1 skein burnt orange


#2: DK version – such as May Morning Pack

Color A: 3 skeins white

Color B: 3 skeins cloud blue

Color C: 2 skeins sherbet

Color D: 2 skeins grass

Color E: 1 skein aster

Color F: 1 skein citron

Color G: 1 skein mustard

Color H: 1 skein Kelly


#3: Aran version – such as Purple Passion Pack

Color A: 3 skeins plum

Color B: 3 skeins emperor

Color C: 2 skeins lavender

Color D: 2 skeins magenta

Color E: 2 skeins graphite

Color F: 1 skein silver


#4: Aran version – such as September Morn Pack

Color A: 3 skeins gold

Color B: 3 skeins copper

Color C: 2 skeins spice

Color D: 2 skeins khaki

Color E: 2 skeins burgundy

Color F: 1 skein camel

Suggested Hook:  DK/Size G – 6 (4.0 mm); Aran/Size H – 8 (5.0 mm); but use whatever hook size that is suitable for your yarn and gives you the afghan drape that you like.

–  Ch-3 and ch-4 at beginning of round/row will count as dc/tr throughout.

–  Magic Ring, invisible joins, air crochet, and other matters of technique are “crocheter’s choice.” –  All rounds/rows will be worked on the right side (RS) except for two border rounds which are indicated as wrong side (WS.)


Yo – yarn over

Beg – beginning

Ch – chain

St – stitch

Sl – slip

Dc – double crochet

Rem – remaining

Sc – single crochet


Week 1

Bobble Rings Square Part 1

Make 2 motifs for aran, 3 motifs for dk, changing colors as per appropriate chart

Special stitches

Bobble stitches are worked on RS.  Push them through to the front if necessary.  The next round will help them pop.  Work into “Top of bobble” means work into the chain that closes up the bobble.

Beginning Bobble (beg bobble):  Ch 3, (yo and insert into same st as join, pull through, yo and pull through 2 loops) 3 times, yo and pull yarn through all 4 loops on hook.  Ch 1 to close bobble.

Bobble:  (Yo, insert hook into designated st, pull through, yo and pull through 2 loops) 4 times, yo and pull yarn through all 5 loops on hook.  Ch 1 to close bobble.

Bobble Rings Color Chart Week 1

(Note:  DK afghan has 3 of each motif; aran weight has 2 each.  May Morning has 3 motifs, 2 are identical.)

Rnd 1-2 Rnd 3 Rnd 4-7 Rnd 8 Rnd 9-12 Rnd 13 Rnd 14
Everyday Rnbow 1 E G E D E B E
Everyday Rnbow 2 A H A F A G A
Everyday Rnbow 3 B C B E B D B
Purple Passn 1 and Sept Morn 1 E D E C E A E
Purple Passn 2 and Sept Morn 2 D F D C D E D

1 – 8

Rnd 9 Rnd 10-12 Rnd 13 Rnd 14

Morn  1


Morn  2


Morn  3



Color changes in text below are for Sept Morn and Purple Passion colorway.  For others, refer to chart.

Round 1:  With E (D) ch 4 , join with sl st to form ring.  Ch 3, 11 dc into ring, sl st to third ch of beg ch-3.  (12 dc.)

Round 2:  Ch 3, dc into same st as join, (2 dc into next st) 11 times. Sl st to third ch of beg ch-3.  Fasten off or hold to back of work.  (24 dc)

Round 3:  Join D (F) with sl st in any dc, beg bobble, (sc in next st, bobble in next st) 11 times, sc in last st, sl st to top of first bobble. Fasten off or hold to back. (12 bobbles and 12 sc.)

Round 4:  Join E (D) with sl st in top of any bobble, ch 3, dc into top of same bobble, (2 dc into sc, 2 dc into top of bobble) 11 times, 2 dc into last sc, sl st to top of beg ch-3. (48 st.)

Round 5:  Ch 3, dc into same st as join, (dc in next 3 st, 2 dc in next st) 11 times, dc in next 3 st, sl st to top of beg ch-3. (60 st.)

Round 6:  Ch 3, dc into same st as join, (dc in next 4 st, 2 dc in next st) 11 times, dc in next 4 st, sl st to top of beg ch-3. (72 st.)

Round 7: Ch 3, dc into same st as join, (dc in next 5 st, 2 dc in next st) 11 times, dc in next 5 st, sl st to top of beg ch-3. Fasten off. (84 st.)

Round 8:  Join C (C) with sl st in any dc, beg bobble in same st, (sc in next 2 st, bobble into next st) 27 times, sc into last 2 st, join with sl st to top of first bobble.  Fasten off.( 28 bobbles and 56 sc = 84 st.)

Round 9: Join E (D) with sl st in top of any bobble, ch 3 (counts as dc).  Dc in same st as join, (dc in next 2 st, 2 dc in next bobble) 27 times, dc in next 2 st, sl st to top of beg ch-3. (112 st.)

Round 10:  Ch 3, dc in same st as join, (dc in next 13 st, 2 dc in next st) 7 times, dc in next 13 st, sl st to top of beg ch-3. (120 st.)

Round 11:   Ch 3, dc in each st around, sl st to top of beg ch-3.  (120 dc.)

Round 12:  Ch 3, dc in same st as join, (dc in next 9 st, 2 dc in next st) 11 times, dc in next 9 st, sl st to top of beg ch-3. Fasten off. (132 st.)

Round 13:   Join A (E) with sl st in any dc, beg bobble in same st, (sc in next 2 st, bobble in next st) 43 times, sc in next 2 st, sl st to top of beg bobble.  Fasten off. (44 bobbles and 88 sc = 132 st )

Round 14:  Join  E(D) with sl st in top of any bobble.  Ch 3, dc in same st as join. *(Dc in next 2 sc, 2 dc in next bobble, dc in next 2 sc, dc in next bobble) 10 times,* (dc in next 2 sc, 2 dc in next bobble) twice , repeat * to *, dc in next 2 sc, 2 dc in next bobble, dc in next 2 sc.  Sl st to top of beg ch-3. Do not fasten off.(156 st)

To be continued….

Copyright 2012, 2017 Julie Yeager Designs


Please do not post this pattern on the internet. Posting a link to my website –, or to my Ravelry store – where you can see all my pattern –, is appreciated. Contact me via e-mail at [email protected].


Next CAL Coming Soon!

photo credits:  Kallene and Lisatinbath

Get your yarn ready for our next CAL – September Morning Afghan.  First installment is coming up here on the blog on June 15, 2017.  Yarn Packs to support the design are available in my Deramores shop – choose one or choose your own palette.  I get a small commission when you enter the site through any of my links, thanks!  It is a fun and easy pattern and you will finish in no time!  So gather your yarn and get ready to relax and crochet.  Crochet along with support on my Ravelry Board, and on my private Facebook group, Crochet-A-Long with JulieAnny.  There are a few popcorn stitches and a few spike stitches, but mostly basic stitches.  Pattern is written in U.S. Terms.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask here or on FB or Rav.  I will post photos for the tricky parts, really just the spike stitches around the crocodile petals of the Sunflower.

Yarn Packs are Available!

September Morning CAL yarn packs are now available in my Deramores Designer Shop.  Please click into Deramores through any of my links.  Once you are on the Deramores website through my link, I will receive a commission for anything you buy –  one skein or the whole pack, or any other yarny thing that catches your eye.   The pattern will be published free here on the blog over six weeks starting June 15, 2017, so order now!  Thanks to all who purchase my patterns and click to purchase through my links!

Stylecraft Special Aran – September Morn Colo(u)r Pack

Stylecraft Special Aran – Purple Passion Colo(u)r Pack

Stylecraft Special DK – May Morning Colo(u)r Pack

Deramores Studio DK – Everyday Rainbow Colo(u)r Pack

Next CAL – Preview – September Morning Afghan

Our next CAL on our Facebook group Crochet-A-Long with JulieAnny and Ravelry board will be September Morning Afghan, a FREE pattern to be posted here on the blog.  Join my FB group or follow along on Ravelry.  I will be available to answer any questions, and the camaraderie of a group project cannot be beat!

To support the CAL, I will have yarn packs available in my Deramores Designer Shop. There will be 4 colorways available, two in Aran weight yarn and two in DK weight yarn.  The Aran weight design will consist of six giant granny squares as pictured to a finished size of about 50” x 75”.  The DK weight design will consist of 9 squares to a finished size of about 56” x 56”.  The motifs are easy to stitch, with mostly double crochet, and a few bobbles and spike stitches.  With large expanses of plain stitching, you will complete your stitching quickly, and the clean graphic design will fit right in with today’s home decorating trends.  The pattern is written in American crochet terms.

The yarn packs will be live in my Deramores Designer Shop by Wednesday, May 24, 2017, and the first installment of the pattern will be posted here on the blog on June 15, 2017, with subsequent installments each Thursday for six weeks.  Yarn requirements will be revealed on Wednesday, and the colorpacks will be:

Purple Passion, Aran Weight yarn in a Purple colorway similar to Lisatinbath’s version;

September Morn, Aran Weight yarn in an Autumn colorway similar to Kallene’s version;


May Morning, DK Weight yarn to be arranged in theotherjenny’s cute plan, and


Everyday Rainbow, DK Weight yarn in a colorful mix.

The yarn packs will have an attractive price-point in the $30-$35 range.  To support my work, please purchase yarn through the links on my blog or the specific links I post here, such as this, whereby I will receive a small commission and you will get the same prices:   Deramores Designer Shop.