Paid Patterns

11 thoughts on “Paid Patterns

  1. Thank you so much for the beautiful crochet pattern. I am going on a crochet cruise soon and wanted something special to work on that was small. These squares are perfect. Thanks again. You do excellent work. I’m so glad I found your website. Laurie

  2. I would like to know if you have a video for the roses and Ivey pattern. I bought the pattern and I can’t figure the first part out

    1. I have charts on some of my patterns and also am working on others. Which pattern do you need a chart for?

  3. I only had time for a very brief look at your beautiful designs. Is there anything for knitters only, maybe even a piece to fit in a window pane as artwork with a border to fit to any size of pane, or as a decoration at specific times of the year? A lacy fashion yarn might be combined with a simple Christmassy designs, a Christmas tree which can be elaborate or simple, in time for slow knitters to get it done for this Chrimbo, please?
    I am sure many readers would be interested in the option of a simpler, smaller not over-challenging design. With many thanks, from CC UK Please check for typos.

  4. I bought the stained glass Afghan having trouble with row 8 any videos or anything else trying to add the corners on my circle morif

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