Garden State Afghan CAL – Week Eight

Garden State Afghan

by Julie Yeager Designs

Final Week – Join and Border

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I had planned to hold this clue until next Friday to let you all catch up but some people are restless to finish.

Joining Motifs

The blocks will be joined according to this layout.  Arrange blocks in any pleasing manner.  Join with whip stitch, slip stitch or single crochet through the front loops, back loops or both loops.  I joined with slip stitch through the front loops.   I found it easiest to lay out all the blocks then join in strips.  First join 2 small blocks, then (join the 2 to a medium) x 2, etc., down the row.  After you have 4 strips it is easy to just slip the strips to each other.

Red = 12” blocks, Blue = 8” blocks, Black = 4” blocks

garden state diagram


Border 1

MC – Main Color

Shell – (sc, ch 3, sc) in same st or sp

Round 1:  Join MC with sc in any corner sp, (ch 3, shell) in same sp for corner. [Sk 2 st, shell in next st] to next corner sp, (shell, ch 3, sc) in corner sp.  (You may have to sk 1 or sk 3 for last repeat to adjust to corner.)  Repeat for all sides, sl st to beg st, fasten off. (Long sides 57 shells, short sides 49 shells)



 Border 2

Use any and all leftover yarn for this round.

Round 1:  Same as Round 1 in Border 1.

Round 2: Work a long side first.  With Carnelian, join with sc in first ch-3 sp of corner.  Ch 3, sc in same sp, [ch 3, (shell in next ch-3 sp) x 57, ch 3, (shell in next ch-3 sp) x 49] x 2, omitting last shell.  Sl st to first sc, fasten off.  ( Long sides 57 shells, short sides 49 shells, with a ch-3 in each corner.)

Round 3:  With Pink Quartzite, join with sc in any corner ch-3 sp.  Ch 3, sc in same sp, shell in same sp.  [Shell in next ch-3 sp) x 57, (shell in corner ch-3 sp) x 2, (shell in next ch-3 sp) x 49, (shell in corner ch-3 sp) x 2] x 2, omitting last shell.  Sl st to first sc, fasten off.  (Long sides 59 shells, short sides 51 shells.)

Round 4:  With Canada Jade, join with sc in first ch-3 sp of corner.  Ch 3, sc in same sp, [ch 3, (shell in next ch-3 sp) x 59, ch 3, (shell in next ch-3 sp) x 51] x 2, omitting last shell.  Sl st to first sc, fasten off.  (Long sides 59 shells, short sides 51 shells, with a ch-3 in each corner.)

Round 5:  With Rose Quartz, join with sc in any corner ch-3 sp.  Ch 3, sc in same sp, shell in same sp.  [Shell in next ch-3 sp) x 59, (shell in corner ch-3 sp) x 2, (shell in next ch-3 sp) x 51, (shell in corner ch-3 sp) x 2] x 2, omitting last shell.  Sl st to first sc, fasten off.  (Long sides 61 shells, short sides 53 shells.)

Round 6:  Join MC with sl st in first ch-3 sp of any corner, ch 3, (2 dc, tr) in same sp, (tr, 3 dc) in next ch-3 sp for corner.  (3 dc in next ch-3 sp) x 59, (3 dc, tr) in next ch-3 sp, (tr, 3 dc) in next ch-3 sp, (3 dc in next ch-3 sp) x 51] x 2, omitting last corner.  Sl st to top of beg ch-3. (185 st per long side, 161 st per short side)

Round 7:  Ch 3, dc in next 2 st, (2 dc, tr) in next st, (tr, 2 dc in next st), {dc in next 183 st, [(2 dc, tr) in next st, (tr, 2 dc) in next st] for corner, dc in next 159 st} x 2, omitting last corner.  Sl st to top of beg ch-3, fasten off. (189 st per long side, 165 st per short side)


Border 3 –  Butterfly border

Butterfly Stitch – Insert hook from front to back in skipped space before previous 2 dc and single crochet around the posts of last 2 st made, gathering the two st together.

Round 1:  Join MC in any corner stitch, ch 2 (counts as hdc), 2 hdc in same st, hdc in each st around, with 5 hdc in corners, finishing with 2 hdc in same st as beg.  When you come to a “dip” between blocks,  dc2tog over the last st of one block and the first st of the next block.  Fasten off or hold MC to the back. ( 172 st on long sides, 148 st on short sides, total of 640 st)

Round 2:  Join D with sl st in any corner st, ch 4, 2 dc in same st, sk 1 st. (Sk 1 st, dc in next st, ch 1, sk 1 st, dc in next st, butterfly stitch) around, with (sk 2,  (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc), sk 2) in corners and ending with dc in same st as beg st.  May need to fudge by skipping 1 or 3 st at end of round instead of skipping 2.  Sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch-4.  Fasten off.  ( 42 butterfly st per long side, 36 butterfly st per short side)

Round 3:  Join MC in corner st, ch 3, 2 hdc in same st.  2 hdc in each sp between butterflies and in each ch-1 sp around, with (2 hdc, ch 1, 2 hdc) in corners and ending with hdc in same st as beg st.  Sl st to 2nd ch of beg ch-3. (174 hdc on long sides, 148 hdc on short sides)

Round 4:  Dc in each st around, with 5 dc in corners.


Copyright 2013, 2016 Julie Yeager Designs

Please do not post this pattern on the internet, even if it was obtained as a “free pattern.”  Post the link to my website –, or my Ravelry store – where you can see all my patterns –  Contact me via e-mail at

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