Crochetville Feature!

It is almost March 10!  Well, it actually is in some parts of the world.  I am one of the featured crochet bloggers on today.  After you read all about me – it’s all about me, hm? – come back here and grab your first clue for the Fantastic! Afghan Square.   It’s 10 PM at night here and I’m wondering when I should post it?  I am up early to take my daughter to the bus tomorrow so I’ll post it at about 8 AM Eastern Time.  See you then!

I am trying to make my blog a go-to crochet site!  It is a learning experience.  Trying to figure out how to let people know that there is a new post.  Do I do that by email list, and if so, how do I collect email addresses.  I’m sure I’ll figure it out.  🙂

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5 thoughts on “Crochetville Feature!

  1. Hi Julie – Tamara Kelly does a great job with her Mooglyblog site, so you may want to emulate her, and ask her for some good tips. I think having facebook and twitter make a difference in your blog following (and I think you can update both of those with one click these days). I think when I first found her about 1.5 years ago, she had around 3,000-5,000 on her facebook, and now she has almost 180,000! Your designs are so amazing, word is really spreading about you, so just keep doing what you’re doing. This internet thing is really amazing, isn’t it?? 🙂
    I’m looking forward to FANTASTIC!

    1. Thank you, Heidi! I do have a Facebook and a Twitter and I need to link them at the top somewhere. Of course I want to emulate Moogly!! And all the other super-talented crochet bloggers. I am looking at their sites to try to imitate them. ;p

  2. At the moment, we’re using Feedburner with the WordPress plugin, Feedburner Form by Diana, to put a subscription box in the sidebar. There are fancier ways indeed, but since we don’t put out a newsletter (although we may in the future) Feedburner works for us for now.

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